
Premio Kalman Silvert 2015. Latin American Studies Association

La Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos, una de las más importantes sociedades de estudio interdisciplinarias sobre América Latina en el mundo, acaba de anunciar la concesión del Premio Kalman Silvert 2015, por la trayectoria de vida dedicada a los estudios latinoamericanos a través de la investigación y servicios profesionales a Manuel Antonio Garretón.

Este Premio será entregado en el Congreso de LASA 2015 en Puerto Rico, en el mes de mayo del presente año, en una ceremonia especial destinada a la discusión del trabajo del Premiado a lo largo de su vida.

Los siguientes son los extractos de la comunicación anunciando el otorgamiento de este Premio

Dear Professor Garretón:
Allow me to congratulate you on being named recipient of this year's Kalman Silvert Award!
The Kalman Silvert Award, named after LASA's first president, is presented every year to an eminent senior scholar for distinguished lifetime contributions to the study of Latin America and is LASA's highest honor. Both research and professional services are taken into account.
This year's Silvert Award Committee was composed of the three immediate past presidents of LASA: Merilee Grindle (Chair), Evelyne Huber, Maria Herminia Tavares de Almeida, the editor of Latin American Research Review, Philip Oxhorn, and past Silvert awardee Peter Smith.
Since this prestigious award was established in 1982, the recipients have been John J. Johnson, Federico Gil, Albert O. Hirschman, Charles Wagley, Lewis Hanke, Victor Urquidi, George Kubler, Osvaldo Sunkel, Richard Fagen, Alain Touraine, Richard N. Adams, Jean Franco, Thomas Skidmore, Guillermo O'Donnell, June Nash; Miguel León-Portilla, Helen Safa, Alfred Stepan, Edelberto Torres Rivas, Julio Cotler, Peter Smith, and Tulio Halperin-Donghi.
The Program Committee for LASA2015, which will be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico May 27 - 30, has scheduled the Silvert panel for 10:00 am on Friday, May 29, and a luncheon in your honor immediately following at 12:00pm.